Improvisation for Adults Workshop - Let loose and have fun in this Improvisation for Adults Workshop! As we grow older, we forger the fun of pretending and playing with one another. Improvisation helps us reconnect with our inner child, while also learning very valuable skills for our everyday lives. Learn how to stay in the moment, listening and responding honestly with your scene partners as we play different improvisation games together. It’s going to be a blast!

Meet the Instructor
Gary Baker
Gary Baker is a local actor, improviser, producer, instructor, director, and writer. He graduated from Jacksonville University in 2006 with a B.A. in Theatre Performance. Since then Gary has taught at several locations around Jacksonville, Maryland, Virginia, and DC. He's taken many classes in improv and sketch writing from The Second City Training Center and iO in Chicago. Gary is excited to share his love for theatre and improv with Blue Fire Theatre.